Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My Technology Habits

Just like I spent a full day observing students at Arizona Western, and faculty members at the school, I also spent a day taking notes on my own personal technology habits. From the point I woke up till the last Facebook status updates at 11:30pm.
I woke up and very soon realized how much technology impacted my life, I didn't realize it but I check Facebook every chance I don't have anything to do. The first thing I did when I opened my eyes was check my phone to see if I had any text messages, after that I went straight to my newsfeed and looked at status updates that my friends posted. After five minutes spent on that I began my day by getting ready for school, meanwhile I had music playing on my television with the music channel. Driving to school I again was listening to music on the radio, and again checked my newsfeed as soon as I got out of my car and was walking to my class, believe it or not there was new posts between that short period of time. I was on my phone replying to text messages and checking my email along with frequent newsfeed checks constantly until my first class started, but as soon as it was over my hands went back to my phone. Then I took a trip to the computer lab at my college to catch up on some homework, I finished my math assignment as soon as I could only to return again to Facebook before entering my next class.

Google Images (Facebook image)

It was pretty much a pattern from there, any free time I had I was checking my Facebook's newsfeed and texting, while having my head phones plugged in and listening to music. This might all seem and sound very bad, but I feel that I have control over my mind to know when its appropriate for that behavior, when I drive, in a lecture or when someone is speaking to me I turn my attention away from my tech and focus on whats going on, then when it comes to the time where I'm sitting there all alone with nothing to do I'll whip put my phone and fidget with it. Its weird because when I feel awkward in a crowd of people, or nervous I tend to take out my phone, unlock it, and simply swipe the pages from left to right (take note that I have an iPhone). Even if I have no notifications to look at or messages to respond to I still take it out to give my fingers something to do. Technology does play a huge part in my daily life by entertaining me, helping me in a awkward situation, doing some homework, communicating with friends and family and by simply watching t.v or listening to the radio. But it doesn't control me, I know some people that are being spoken to and they have their head phones on and texting someone while being spoken to, I know people who can't simply wait to text back after they are done driving, people who in class can't control themselves and check their phones.  Technology, in my viewpoint, isn't bad or harmful; yes it has the potential to cause harm but it isn't dangerous on its own it needs someone to transform it into a weapon. Something like a cancer or an earthquake can be labeled harmful because we have no control over it, its it's own dangerous situation. But technology is handled and manipulated by humans. If the human has self control and the knowledge of right and wrong they can use it without damage. Like Uncle Ben told Peter in Spider-Man, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

YouTube (Trapped on an escalator) 

YouTube (Overusing technology)

Observing AWC Students

I reserved a day where I could be at the college all day and observe the students. During this experiment I didn't sit at a single spot for hours on end and looked at students, I spent some time observing students in my classes, at the cafeteria, at the computer lab and even outside in the benches and under the trees where many hang out while waiting for their next class. Despite the awkward stares I received by the students I was observing I was able to stay strong and gather data that wasn't as surprising as I assumed. In my Math 151 course no one had their phones out or even glanced at them once, they all were focused on the notes being taken and asking the professor questions, maybe this is because of the level of math the course is or possibly because they are worried of failing the final exam next week. In my English 101 class though I noticed a few students with their phones out checking their notifications and being distracted from their assignment. It was those who were usually late to class who seemed to be on their phones. Observing people in the cafeteria was a lot easier to conduct, so many things go on at once that people don't have much time to look around to see if anyone is looking at them. Many of the groups were with phones on the table but rarely looked down to it, they were more focused on the people around them talking and laughing at the comments made by their friends. But for those who were alone eating their food they seemed to not let go of their devices, some had phones others lap tops and even iPods. I felt like maybe the handheld technology wasn't specifically used to continuously be up to date with their Facebook newsfeed or text messages but when the person felt awkward and needed to keep their hands and eyes preoccupied.

Google Images (Student fidgeting with phone)
Students in the computer lab did the opposite than those in my math class, almost everyone in there was on their cell phones texting, had their computer screens with multiple pages open including Facebook or YouTube. People were multitasking left and right, some stayed there for about 2 hours when I can assume whatever they were working on would've taken less than half that time if they weren't distracted. And the same was for the students and even faculty that were outside on the benches or tables beneath the trees, their phones were out, music in their ears and almost unaware of the things or other people around them, almost like zombies in their own worlds. There were a few who were sitting together socializing but that was very few. People who are without company are the ones more tempted to be on their cellphones or using technology to either pass the time or simply because it was a habit for them to do. Only the individual knows why they use technology as often or the way they do.

YouTube (Distractions)

Teachers and Technology

I hunted down a few faculty members from my local community college and asked them a series of questions pertaining to the harm or benefits of technology and how it influences their career as a teacher. Many of the responses were common, the teachers appreciate the new technology in the college because they can communicate with their students out side of class through the schools email webpage which allows them to not have to share private information like a cell phone number or personal email address. Besides that the technology also helps the teacher to post grades and assignments for the students in case the students miss class or are curious to know how they are doing in their course. There are some issues though that were brought to light by a teacher who gives lessons on math. The professor explains how the technology used for doing math homework online keeps changing and giving the students trouble in becoming familiar with how to use the software, and some days the program doesn't want to work so the students cannot complete their assignments. Over all technology is expanding the capability that the students and teachers can progress in education but sometimes it is felt that technology might be growing faster than the average human can keep up with.

Google Images (Student doing Math Hmwk)
One teacher really stood out to me, Mr. Science was able to explain to me how technology shouldn't be narrowed to the viewpoints of when it doesn't work for us but instead how it has helped us over hundreds of years. Through education technology has benefited humanity since the first day it was discovered, technology itself teaches us and motivates us to learn. But taking that thought outside of the box, technology has created maps to memories in geology and life on earth. Scientist have been able to use this new discovery to continuously learn new secrets of the earth and apply it to the world, to discover what the weather will be like in a month and prepare for disasters that may destroy many lives when not aware of what is coming. This professor saw technology as a tool that has opened the human eye to a world that we couldn't see before, a world that has allowed us to be where we are today. People think technology and think about teenagers dying in car crashes, as that may be true its also true that technology has found cures for many sicknesses that before would be the causes of thousands of deaths. It all depends what part of life you have experienced that allows you to see certain sides of this endless world of possibilities.

YouTube (Geology's new tool)

Interviewing AWC Students

I set out on a mission to interview several local college students in my home town. At Arizona Western College there is a vast variety of cultures, languages and customs; this is a great place to evaluate different responses about the view point of technology.
I was able to interview four students, for safety reasons and choice by the people who got interviewed their names will be changed. Larry, Berry, Cherry and Carrie are four very different people with personalities that contrast. Berry is attending the college to receive his nursing degree, he is 23 and has great interest in helping to save people. Technology is a great advantage to his life and he appreciates the possibilities that it gives the hospitals to save lives. He says that without technology more people would be dying and who knows what the numbers of the human race would be without the new modern medications, surgeries, and recovery courses they have with patience going through different types of therapy. Berry cannot see the world without technology, it has been a huge part of his life. Cherry is a young woman of 19 studying to get her degree in ultrasound, she uses technology every day through the internet to search for facts and information pertaining to her studies and curiosities. She also believes that technology is an important aspect of human life and without it many new born babies could have the risk of death if not taking the correct precautions. With the technology used for ultra sounds mothers can be told not only the gender of the baby, but also be informed if they have any dangers they may have to face.

Google Images (Ultrasound)
Carrie is a 21 year old woman who is studying to be a Nutritionist. She admits that she uses technology daily through her cell phone and the internet, but says that she wishes she would use her time more efficiently. A lot of the time Carrie is doing homework and conducting research for her nutrition classes, but she says she tends to become distracted and finds herself taking hours to complete an assignment that should've taken only half an hour. "Technology isn't something that is needed in our life, it's only something that us humans desire for selfish interests but helps very little" says Carrie when asked where her  standpoint was on technology. Lastly there is one student who really interested me with his responses. Larry is taking courses at Arizona Western to become an athletic coach, he is 20 years old and has been attending the college since 2009 and has one more semester to go before he graduates. He uses technology through his video games, watching the news or other television shows, even keeping up to date with his favorite football team. Larry says that "technology can be taken in many ways depending on where your life is being taken; if you don't use technology then its more likely that person will go against it, but if your a computer programmer for NASA yes you will strongly agree that technology is beneficial. Many people use technology to make life easier, save lives, even to communicate with friends and family across the globe, but who has the right to say its wrong to use it? Yes someone can be abusing it by texting and driving or sexting but there are those out there who are clinging on to life with an oxygen tank and doctors at the ready." Larry's stand point and last comment was that technology has its amazing advantages, but it also has the ability to transform into a virus and harm those who are not protecting themselves.

YouTube (Texting and Driving By AT&T)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Is Technology Causing Students To Loose As Much As They Gain?

The question if technology does as much harm as it does good is one that many don't stop to ponder about. As a college student technology impacts my life daily and at a level so high I have forgotten the days where I wasn't using it. Each morning and afternoon I find myself on the computer linked to my college webpage where I can do my homework for my courses, I spend hours completing homework, composing research and even typing papers. Without the aid of a computer, and the internet I can't see how the schools would be able to progress in a way where their availability meets their students needs. What I am referring to is the ability for a student to contact the professor without having to be at school physically or set an appointment, students can now enroll in semester classes via the internet along with applying for financial aid and scholarships. But the aid of technology goes far beyond using a computer for typing an essay; in my welding course we use technology to form amazing structures from scraps of metal, using a machine that converts electricity to fuse metals together. But welding may not be something that is relevant to my audience, what about saving a life? Hundreds of college students at Arizona Western College study nursing and learn to apply technology to monitor the health of a patient. All of these things are cases where technology can be helpful, through the many forms technology has. The modern world has created this tool for human aid, but even a tool meant for good can be created into a weapon that causes damage if not used correctly.
Google Images (Technology in Hospitals)

Like almost anything in life humanity has a tendency to exploit the negative side of that idea. The same has been done to the way technology is used. Many believe they can do many things at once and still have the same strong focus on each subject as if it was the only one being done, these distractions are created by the internet, television, even music playing on an iPod. College students rarely sit down and give their homework 100% of their attention because they are involved in other things such as looking at a video on YouTube or texting their friends. These distractions are ways technology can become harmful, the college students are not giving 100% of their intellect to what is needed. I for one contribute to that group of college students; at my house we didn't have cable, none the less internet so everyday I spent my free time in the computer lab at my college doing my online homework. Since I wanted to go home I would focus on the homework to finish as fast as I could. Four days ago I called a cable company to install cable, internet and WiFi at my house, my first thought was being able to do my college work at the comfort of my home but now I find myself taking hours to complete what used to require only 45 minutes. It is presumable that technology is hurting us as it aiding us, but is technology truly the ones harming us? Or is our inability to sustain and control temptation the real answer to our distractions?

YouTube (Video of Teen Distractions)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

YouTube (Video of Technology in Daily Life)

This is a video pertaining to my previous blog title About Me; it contains information about how technology has been seen through my personal life growing up and its basically to help visualize the presence of technology in my life growing up and what I've experienced.

About Me

My name is Felipe, a student at Arizona Western College and an employee at a Japanese restaurant. My everyday life may be organized around three main focuses: school, homework, and my job- but it is never the exact same routine due to the fact that I continuously keep my mind active. As a college student my goals are not to only pass my classes but to be able to graduate and have the skills I require to not drive on a road filled with continuous stress and financial pot holes. Amazingly though in my college experience it has been a lot different than my mother's 6 years ago in the way that technology is can be found everywhere. Changes like taking a Placement test on a computer screen compared to the paper version offered not so long ago, registering online and being able to avoid waiting for hours under several buildings, even contacting professors and counselors is easily accessible through via internet and now many courses are incorporating that homework must be turned in online where it is both posted and graded. But not only are educational facilities incorporating technology, my work environment/ hiring process is vastly changing daily; most business will tell you to visit their webpage to apply for their employments. My generation may not feel it because we grew up with these changes, but I can only imagine the struggle being faced by new comers to college and work fields.
Google Images (Incorperating Tech in Schools)
Google Images (Incorperating Tech in Schools)

Growing up I experienced technology mainly through cell phone use, computer use, video gaming and with new enhanced televisions. I use my cell phone constantly, there hasn't been a day since I got my hands on a cell phone where I haven't used it. I find myself using for Facebook, text messages and things like YouTube and iPhone apps, rarely do I ever talk on the phone using my voiced. Computers though have aided me through many tasks, from completing research for my college courses to simply contacting a family member all the way in Idaho. Video gaming, we all know is for personal interest and entertainment. But televisions, they have impacted the world since the day they were invented in 1927. From being updated on news, watching movies or shows with the family, even having it play a music channel, I have exhausted the use of my t.v along with all previous technological gadgets.
I am a student at AWC, an employee at a Japanese restaurant, a son a brother an uncle and someone who is like everyone else in this small planet. And technology is part of my everyday life.